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Posted by Anonymous to Persians and Hollywood at 2:07 AM
Oslonor, your racist anti-Azeri shenanagan has gotten too far. "Persians are native, and Azeris came from nowhere" "Persians are naturally pretty, and Azeris are the ugly ones" "Persians strive for Westernization, and backward-ass Azeris won't let them"... Don't you think you went a little too extreme? You know, the fact that you have a Persian wife doesn't excuse you for badmouthing other ethnicities. First of all, it's not "Azeri Turks" but simply Azeris. They call them "Tork" in Iran merely to distinguish them from other Iranians pointing out their non-Iranic language. Secondly, Azeris didn't "arrive" to Iran in the 15th century. Those who arrived were the Seljuks, and they came in the 11th century, established a state, imposed their language and later dissolved in the local population creating Azeris. Whether you like it or not, it has been proven that Azeris carry genetic elements mostly from indigenous peoples of the region. And don't try to push your "Azeris are a bunch of Turks who have played no role in the history of Iran" next time you're in Iran - they'll rip you apart... Persians that is. As for the support of the regime, learn some history: an Azeri by the name of Sattarkhan fought to turn Iran into a constitutional monarchy in 1905. And another one by the name of Roshdiyeh first came up with the idea of European-style curriculum for Iranian schools in the 40s... I could go on, but I'm afraid to give your racist ass a heart attack. Posted by Anonymous to Persians and Hollywood at 2:07 AM Oslonor Comments:We state that Azeri Turks did not play any role in the Persian Empire. That is 500 BC. Azeri Turks migrated to Iran since 11 century but the main movements were in 15 century AD. We consider Azeri Turks as bakward tribal elements and we support the independence of Azerbaijan. We think it is best Azeri Turks separate from the natives of Iran. The process of formation of Azeri Turk nation is a historical process and we think it is very positive. Only some dishonest Azeri Turks in Tehran oppose this because they are benefiting the robbery of oil resources from the natives of Iran. Already today slogans have appeared on the walls stating "Death to Turks" in Iran. So we think it is urgent that this should be done in peaceful way.